University Newspaper Interview!

Check out this interview I did with The Omega newspaper at my old university!

Well, when I went there it was still actually a university-college with a different name. And I just went to the trades school for electrical. And I flunked the course because I didn’t get above 80% on the final exam… but I still went there!

You can read the interview HERE

You can buy my new comic HERE



New Printed Comic!

I printed my next comic, The Red Wizard & The Armies of the Night!

The wandering mercenary known as Life tags along with a hard-luck gang of losers as they battle an evil necromancer and his deranged mutant cultists, and try to retrieve a powerful and mysterious artifact!

This is a whole new adventure and a whole new story! Everything you need to know is in this comic. It’s not “issue #2”, it’s just Life’s next adventure, so if you missed out on my first comic, Shrub, don’t worry.

You can buy my comic HERE, I also have signed and sketch editions too.

If you want to read the story first, you can read it HERE
